About The Empress
The Empress began as a simple exercise—a newsletter to make midlife and peri/menopause less sucky, just one product at a time—because it is hellish and sucky in too many ways. But over the past year, I’ve realized that I’m trying to create something very specific here, and it’s a movement rather than a topic. I’m bushwhacking (ha) a path. Because if you go back far enough, while the etymology of “the empress” is about having sovereignty and dominion over one’s territory, it is also about being a maker of ways. Ways we can gather, connect, celebrate, and ruminate over how to make the most of this messy middle. Because I believe there is a great deal of power in the messy middle—a highly generative, creative time—one in which we can source real agency in our aging.
Case in point. Emma Thompson.
So how do we (civilians) make a more enchanting way through midlife?
That’s a big question, isn’t it? But we’re all circling it. Most of us are wary (and weary) of the same old narrative of the Maiden/Mother/Crone model so often used to frame a woman’s life. Many of us are wondering... Are we missing a phase between the exhaustion of the Mother phase and the ennui of the Crone phase? And some of us are skipping motherhood altogether. Could there be an Empress Age before the Crone phase? And how might we be more expansive with ourselves and others in it? How can we learn to bring rest, integrity, greater creativity, and joy into our lives? I know I’m not alone in being fatigued by gurus—the people who claim to know all the answers. It’s a racket. Nobody knows the answers anymore—too much is changing. We need to figure this out together.
That’s why I chose the name: ‘The Empress’. I love the image it conjures, a grand, empowered, enlightened, dynamic, curious, self-sovereign archetype, a remover of obstacles, a maker of ways—in a salon, a safe, secret chamber where we can gather. Perhaps an enchanted retreat, a place where the divine feminine resides (if we want to get woo-woo), where the outcomes are different. I also like the symbolism of the archetype—The Empress—as it connotes the process of summoning clarity and wisdom, of discerning the narratives that serve you and dispensing with those that don’t. Will it yield generational change eventually? I don’t know. Probably not. But I don’t believe our happiness and contentment as midlife women are static elements. Their process is the point.
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If you’d like more, consider joining The Empress community as a paid subscriber. You’ll gain access to:
Exclusive weekly bonus posts: such as reflective journaling prompts and culture & media highlights relevant to midlife women.
Creative Hangouts: Live, bi-monthly recorded online conversations with extraordinary change-makers and creators and an opportunity to ask questions.
Midlife Coaching: In a bi-monthly live online event, we’ll choose two of your questions about midlife women’s issues for detailed coaching.
The Empress Book Club: A book club for lovers of midlife women wrestling with life, love, wisdom, and gorgeous words. We’ll read 6 books per year as a group with live, recorded, online community discussions and book club reading guides.
Discounts & Offers: on upcoming workshops, select strategic partner promotions, and book events, wherever possible.
A year’s subscription is $70, which works out to $1.35 a week. There is also a special tier for people who want to offer extra support and work a little more closely with me, which includes two virtual retreats per year. But regardless of what sort of subscriber you become, you’ll get a vibrant stream of content and my deepest appreciation—as it’s this support that helps sustain the work of The Empress—which includes: me—eating, but also supporting unhoused women during peri/menopause and working on vital government policy initiatives for more menopause-friendly work environments.
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Lastly, from time to time, free newsletters may be brought to you by a presenting sponsor. We endeavor to review all brand partners for a strategic fit with The Empress brand principles as we maintain a do-no-harm approach to women’s health and well-being. Any advice given is meant strictly as entertainment content, personal observations, and opinions. We are not doctors and make no claims or assurances about the efficacy of third parties referenced in our posts.