I’m def trying to call in collabs for 2025. I lead yoga & food wellness retreats to Italy. I’d love to work with female thought-leaders/ authors who want to hold a retreat but want us to do all the planning.

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I bet loads of authors would welcome such a collab! 💜🧘✍🏻

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Collaboration is what I miss most about my former corporate career. True collabs where colleagues support one another to do better, inspire, and celebrate teammates' ideas and good works, stand by each other when failure happens, NOT the political points-grabbing "collaboration" that's a mere goal on the performance review--the follow-the-"leader" B.S. (like what's rife in today's GOP).

Ahem, that being said....

I'd love a GenZ-Boomer collab that is about mutual learning, mentorship, and personal or career growth.

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I cannot wait to hear what Kimberly Wilson has to say! That is going to be very helpful over the next 2 weeks.

As fas as a collab goes (brilliant idea by the way), I think collaborative profiles would be wonderful to read. I am curious what the younger generation thinks of us "older" ladies. I know when I was a teenager, my friends and I all thought 40 was OLD. And now I'm almost 50 and can't say I identify with being an "old lady" (not yet at least) but this age would have surely been categorized as "ancient" when I was younger. Do we remain a group of women to be forgotten and dismissed? Or have our daughters witnessed our generation doing things differently so that our worth and intelligence remains recognizable? I also wonder, how can we support younger women with what we've learned? No doubt social media makes so many aspects of life more challenging. What can we share with younger women that can inspire their confidence? What was our generation not told that we wished we knew back then?

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So many great questions and points. I'm the same... I don't identify with being an "old lady" even though I joke about it nonstop. Still, it's funny, back when I was in my early 30s I had a conference call with Sallie Krawcheck, the founder of ElleVest. This was waaaaay back when she was just starting to think about how to do ElleVest (and it was well before Wikipedia or Zoom) and back then, on the call, she already *read* as 48-50ish... but it turns out, she's only five years older than I am. But again, back then, in my early thirtysomething woman's head, I was already teeing her up for retirement in five years! Meanwhile, she still had a whole extra lifetime of value to bring to the world. To your other point, there's so much our generation was not told--that needs telling to our daughters, but the hubris of youth can be such a stunner. Maybe the way to disrupt that is by putting women of different generations together in contexts where they *need* each other to thrive or succeed... Food for thought!

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I would collab with a youthful skinned cutie/smartie about what's ahead physically because hang on and get magic mirrors. No matter how we now glorify wrinkles and aging - we don't really. It's a mind fuck at the moment and trending hard. And don't celebrate retirement PLEASE. Working keeps you relevent and alive and out from under the bed.

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Aging is SUCH a mindfuck no matter how pro-age you are... and agree. Working, however you define it, keeps your brain alive. Retirement??? Hard pass.

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I completely misread the collab thing...tres embarrassing. I would talk to my three daughters, two are about to turn 23...but somehow I think the women who have come into their own, around 30, can be the cruelest and most dismissive it's so far away for them...but it's not!

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It's a BLINK and they don't even realize it, which is why I think intergenerational collabs like Maggie Rogers and Stevie Nicks, and Brandi Melville, and Joni are so important. :)

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well, you know I love a collab. We are doing one for tomorrow, though it was really just me saying...Can I use your post to link to for my Heather Bartos interview?" and you saying, "ya sure!"

But, that said, You have also been kind enough to visit my zoom hang out which felt like a big collab fest...small in number, big in love. And the idea of a guest post is fun. Podcast, are easy to pull off and fun...and co-written would be a hoot...speaking of your eldercare story on my blog is coming up in a few weeks..like I said, I love a collab!

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Can’t wait to connect! xx 🩷

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Got my founders tee yesterday!

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Thank you for the mention

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Love your work!

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Thank you so much

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How open is the Empress to a retired straight white man listening to learn from these discussions?

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Completely open! We welcome all allies! :)

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I’m jaded. I had to figure out so much crap on my own or thru really good books.

Great list of possibilities. I would definitely want to do an interview with my daughter— if she’d be willing.

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I was thinking the exact same thing Carissa.

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I'd love to read that. I think I'd be keen to co-teach a comedy workshop about what's funny across generations... but it's so tricky!

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Very tricky. Kids are offended by something new every day. I can’t keep up. Luckily my kids have a healthy sense of humor.

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All about the inter-generational wisdom sharing and collaboration. As Gen X with a Gen Z kid and who spends a lot of time with wise elders in women’s circles my intent is to act as the bridge. I am involved in a NPO called Grandmother Collective and my responsibility is gathering the elder stories and using technology to get them seen and heard by the younger generation. I believe if is crucial we don’t lose elder wisdom, cultural practices and traditions.

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This sounds amazing! Is it https://www.grandmothercollective.org/ ? Agree 100% about preserving and leveraging elder wisdom, cultural practices, and traditions. What a resource to know about!

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