Great chip idea. I would want an on/off chip. At night, I'd like to be able to turn off my brain so I can sleep.

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Right there with you on sleep! xo

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I totally get the "Alisa is worthy" chip thing. For the past two years, that's what I've been working on myself. Understanding and KNOWING I am worthy. Not having to try to convince myself with daily mantras, but an inner knowing that is there. With the intensive therapy work I did this summer, I can actually say, it's embedded in there. The worthy chip is in! Wahooo.

Next up. I want to work on the kindness and generosity chip. And I don't mean the one that us Type A's do with work--ie giving everything we've got until we drop kind of striving to prove type giving, but the generosity and kindness of doing so with no agenda for anything in return. I'm writing about this at the moment as I experienced this from someone over a year ago. It made me realize I had NEVER experienced this kindness of generosity. I didn't really understand it. I want to unlearn my idea that it has to be transactional in some way and just learn to be with it. Both receiving and sending.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

I can't home in on anything in particular at the moment, but I will say that after listening to this podcast interview with the mighty Kara Swisher I kinda wish she was my therapist, because her value chip is off the charts! No joke: this is the attitude that all women should walk around in the world with, and I bet you'll get an upgrade on your chip when you hear it. Debbie Millman and Roxane Gay do the interviewing: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/kara-swisher/id328074695?i=1000631454817

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Oooo, sounds good. I will listen. Thx for linky.

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You are so remarkably well-adjusted! I love ALL three of these women... so I'll be listening! Leave it to the daughter of a robotics engineer to come up w/ such a utilitarian journaling prompt, lol... My other fizzling component is the... "I've got this all figured out" chip... like my HRT, which suddenly decided to stop working and now it's back to the drawing board to adjust the formula. Huzzah! Because women are such complex creatures... we metabolize and genetically respond in all these myriad ways. There's no one right path, that's for sure.

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Hope HRT is an easy fix. Is it alchemy? Like anti depressants?

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Oof, I'm hardly well-adjusted, but I know great inspiration when I see it. Sorry to hear about your HRT, the complexity is real! Looking forward to your Gut Health post, cause I know a ton of women whose HRT started working much better once they sorted out their gut sitch. Apparently all that estrogen and progesterone needs to find a regular way out of the body or it can wreak havoc.

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Totally--if your liver, kidneys, and bowels aren't functioning as well as they should--it's all gotta go somewhere :)

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I'm going to give this a listen! I love podcast recommendations. Thanks.

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