Sep 5Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Small daily rituals keep me sane! Thank you for nervous system hack as this one was new to me. I will definitely try the ice/running solution the next time I feel immobilized - which will likely be by tomorrow. You can't have too many tools in the tool box for surviving perimenopause!

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Sep 5·edited Sep 6Author

We need every tool! When I think of perimenopause and The Heroine's Journey, the first phase is that "Call to Adventure" and it's a full phase of "Separation" from our body, brain, and self as we've always known them. So any small daily rituals that reconnect us to ourselves and ground us are always going to be good for self-regulating during this decade-long multi-system transformation, lol. It's a doozy.

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Sep 6Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Oh my goodness - "it's a doozy" is right! It's definitely a call to adventure if you listen for the call, but the separation from the body, brains and self has been a challenge. But it also makes sense that this is the time to get back into your body, regulate your nervous system, and do the internal work you may have bypassed in previous years while taking care of everyone but yourself. Decade long transformation sounds about right - hoping I'm past the midway point!

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Sep 3Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Brilliant brain fog hack!

I’ve been recently doing cold and hot face plunges (dog food bowls work great!) and they also seem to help the fog lift, maybe something to do with increasing lymphatic flow?

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What a great idea re: the dog food bowls! And yes, I think increasing the flow helps mobilize the nervous system which in a hypo-state is typically immobilized.

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Sep 3Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Rituals are so important. Disturbing them can lead to brain fog, anxiety. Even my dog is thrown if I feed him at 8am instead of 7:30am. He won't eat. Some rituals do need a jostle tho. I'm a homebody and know that I need to go out now and then.

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3Author

Yes, there are 'routines' which help keep us regulated, which helps guard against brain fog and there are 'rituals' which physicalize or collectivize our desires or intentions, and can help get us out of a personal rut or launch us into something new in our life. A lot of writers I know have a ritual to get them into the state for doing their best work. Or maybe you create your own ritual of monthly art meetups with your girlfriends--this is something I do because I'm also a homebody. We all sneak out to see an amazing exhibit or show. I come back feeling smarter and more alive for having engaged with the work.

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