You met the Iron Nun? Maybe not everyone can appreciate the significance of such a meeting, but as someone whose done a bunch of triathlons, I love hearing that you met her. Thank you for linking the article you wrote. And very excited for your book! Congrats on getting it published! ✨☺️
Yes, it was amazing, Susan! She is an icon! I heard she would be participating in a triathlon about an hour way and after she finished, I told her I wanted to interview her. She was delightful and what a role model!
"The rest of our lives can be the best of our lives"...wowzer. Great quote Margie Fisher @theempress That's what I've been trying to spit out at Women's Survival Guide for four years...
Reminds me of Mary Tabor’s moving piece about her son’s death, titled Lifeboat, where she comes to realize her grief isn’t only the tempestuous sea beneath her but the lifeboat buoying her (and all that grieve) as well.
You met the Iron Nun? Maybe not everyone can appreciate the significance of such a meeting, but as someone whose done a bunch of triathlons, I love hearing that you met her. Thank you for linking the article you wrote. And very excited for your book! Congrats on getting it published! ✨☺️
Yes, it was amazing, Susan! She is an icon! I heard she would be participating in a triathlon about an hour way and after she finished, I told her I wanted to interview her. She was delightful and what a role model!
We ❤️ the Iron Nun!
I am SO looking forward to reading this book! Margie’s attitude and style bring contagious joy.
Thank you so much, Teyani!
Her outlook and her style are amazing!
Thank you, Alisa!!!
Congrats on the book. What an incredible journey to get it published. Love Margie’s attitude. 🥰❤️
Thank you for your kind words, CK!
"The rest of our lives can be the best of our lives"...wowzer. Great quote Margie Fisher @theempress That's what I've been trying to spit out at Women's Survival Guide for four years...
Thank you so much, Kim! Yes, I especially like it when a line has internal rhyming!
It's exactly IT.
Love that Margie’s list of “things I value in life now” include freedom, curiosity, AND grief.
Thank you for catching that one, Kimberly. I never realized grief could be a gift until I finished and published the book.
Reminds me of Mary Tabor’s moving piece about her son’s death, titled Lifeboat, where she comes to realize her grief isn’t only the tempestuous sea beneath her but the lifeboat buoying her (and all that grieve) as well.
Beautiful analogy!
I know, right? Just so important.
Quite simply: Inspires!
Thank you, Mary!
Dynamic stretching: valuable tip!
Thanks, David. I am constantly telling people at pickleball to do this!