May 4Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Looking forward!

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May 3Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

I just told a neighbor that I will likely never date again. I am SO over men, in general. Over their mansplaining. Over their defensiveness. Over their willful disregard for opinions other than their own. Over their ignorance on how womenโ€™s bodies work. Over their self-righteous Not All Menning. Iโ€™m just done. Over it. I am wildly supportive of that 4B movement in Korea. You go, ladies! We are tired of your shit, men. Do better. I posted a meme the other day that I felt in the deepest parts of my soul: The biggest lie of the patriarchy is that women were created from manโ€™s rib. The truth is that WOMEN are the origins of life. All men come from a womanโ€™s womb.

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Huzzah!!! Actually, if you go back to pre-Hellenic mythology-- and this is my Empress nerdiness coming out... the ancient Egyptian mother goddess Neith, pre-dated all male gods, and she was able to reproduce via parthenogenesis (no dudes required). It was only in the Hellenic-era when patriarchal gods really began to make themselves and their archetypes known via many of the classical male philosophers and playwrights who came to the fore at that time and continued to be canon in most university educations, which was largely limited to men. But I always say... Vags got you here, and Vags can vote you out! And we can 'Clytemnestra' the whole damn lot of you, if we feel like it ๐Ÿ˜‚

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May 3Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Iโ€™m in a Medusa mood, myself, but yes!

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