Sep 24, 2023Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Great stack. The amount of trials done on men and testosterone levels v women and HRT tells its own, ridiculous story, doesn’t it. Some close to me began HRT last year, and was informed recently that it would be discontinued upon her reaching 60 years of age. This is the cut off limit she was told. When I asked why, as it seems an arbitrary figure to me, on the outside looking in, she said the doc had said that the menopause will be gone by then. She would be egg free and that would be that, whatever the hell that meant.Talk about a sweeping generalisation! To make matters worse, I’m my eyes at least, it was a lady doctor. There must be a reason, linked to commerce I’m sure, that the research and development process is so lethargic on women’s requirements for ongoing treatment for the menopause. But I’m struggling to come up with one. Have we really NOT come this far?

Have a nice Sunday all. And thanks for the Stack. The butterfly anecdote was so on the money. 👏✍️

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Thanks ever so for the kind words :) That's so surprising about your friend. I know plenty of women who continue HRT beyond age 60, but it really is an individual discussion to have with a specialist in meno care. We have one reader who is still having hot flashes in her 80s, so however we can research better and more symptom management options, we need to try. Women deserve better. 🤍

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Love that Katherine May quote

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Yes, she's just so magical in her art of noticing :)

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Thanks for pointing out all of this! The more I read the more confused I feel, and I know I'm not the only one. I'm excited for the doctor/data scientist who will invent a platform where you can plug in literally ALL your medical history, current bloodwork, and your genetic profile and it will come up with the perfect treatment prescription, along with a list of trusted compound pharmacies in your area, and a link to a kick-ass perimenopausal playlist and recipe wiki. Sign me uuuuuuppp!

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THIS! This is where we need to go with more bespoke solutions... we have the quantum computing power and AI to do most of it, but we need the ethics, and trusted, conflict-free advisors, and active social policy to make sure it isn't weaponized against us.

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

FUCK YEAH, ethical, conflict-free providers would be everything! In the financial sector there are advisors who have signed a Feduciary Oath that means they have to act in the way that is most beneficial for clients. Some kind of equivalent for the menocare space would be a good step forward. For that matter, all women's healthcare and maybe all healthcare should come with that pledge!

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Sep 20, 2023·edited Sep 21, 2023Author

FUCK YEAH :) This is the kind of health policy women need to drive... Huzzah!

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HRT's cause breast cancer. A fact that big pharma won't admit. Great sleuthing.

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Sep 20, 2023·edited Sep 20, 2023Author

So, just adding some texture here, not a doctor, obvs... For certain profiles of women HRT IS going to be contraindicated, but for others--like me--I have been significantly helped by taking a combination therapy of estrogen and progesterone, in that it ensures that I sleep through the night, which... in turn... reduces the likelihood that I'm going to have a seizure--since my seizures are triggered primarily by lack of sleep. So getting up 3x a night to deal with night sweats really put me in harm's way! That's why I'm saying we need so many more studies b/c the flattening of women into one big cohort for one type of HRT treatment just doesn't work. It ignores too many diverse, human, female factors :) And for more info from an actual doctor... here is a video on risks, but again, I think it goes back to having more peer-reviewed studies with more women in the room with no fiduciary interest. https://youtu.be/LoDzL6Knww8?si=xMJsGq75jqrXhs5h

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

It is a nuanced approach approach that’s needed, as you say, catering to the individual. I simply cannot believe the current system of treatment with its one size fits all mentality. It beggars belief.

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So glad it works for you! Yes. More studies are warranted.

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Alisa Kennedy Jones

Absolutely. And urgently!

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Big Pharma has harmed so many women--we have to change things. Sigh.

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